Jumat, 18 Januari 2013

Bunga Kain Jepang


Tertarik membuat kanzashi/bunga kain seperti ini????


ini caranya  ;)

selamat mencoba :)

sumber :

Senin, 14 Januari 2013

its my business ^^ Heejou Bags



Jumat, 07 September 2012

Memulai usaha - Mau usaha Apa ?.


Kemarin, ada seorang teman yang baru saja resign dari pekerjaannya dan memutuskan untuk menjadi full time wife dan berpikir untuk mencoba memulai usaha.
Teman : "Teteh... pengen mulai usaha nih... ajak-ajakin usaha dunk!"  saya : "hoho... hayukk... mau usaha apa neng?". Teman : "Nah itu dia teh... bingung.. hehe..."
Its soo classical problem kayaknya yaa ^^.. mau usaha tapi bingung usaha apa yang sebaiknya dijalankan....

Well, sekarang saya akan coba paparkan apa aja yang sebaiknya dilakukan untuk memulai usaha (ciee... kayak yang udah jago beneer hehe.....)

Pertama, Cari Peluang Usaha!. haha... nyari tabloidnya? bisaa... ^^.
Peluang usaha bisa dilihat dengan cara mengamati diri sendiri, keluarga, teman atau bahkan masyarakat sekitar. Mengenali diri sendiri itu seperti melihat potensi apa yang ada didalam diri sendiri yang sekiranya bisa bermanfaat untuk orang lain dan dapat dijadikan sebagai jalan untuk menghasilkan uang.

(sumber : http://pinterest.com/pin/86905467779731171/)

Contoh, punya keterampilan dasar menjahit. Usaha memproduksi dompet kain sederhana atau bros bunga kain bisa dijadikan pilihan. Punya keterampilan meyakinkan orang ? hmm.. jadi penjual untuk produk tertentu bisa dicoba. Merasa tidak punya keterampilan apapun?? Coba ikut kursus keahlian tertentu saja dulu hehe.. semoga nanti ide peluang usahanya bisa muncul. 

Mengamati keluarga, teman atau masyarakat sekitar itu bisa dengan dua tujuan. Pertama untuk mengetahui apakah pada orang-orang sekitar kita ada yang memiliki potensi keterampilan tertentu yang bisa kita kerjasamakan sehingga akhirnya menjadi sebuah usaha (co. ada tetangga yang pernah bekerja di garmen, bisa kita coba ajak kerjasama untuk usaha butik). Kedua untuk mengetahui kebutuhan apa yang biasanya dibutuhkan oleh orang-orang sekitar kita dan keberadaannya sedikit sulit didapat (co. banyak pelajar disekitar yang menggunakan tas, namun ketersediaan tas lucu seperti tas "heejou" wkwkw.. sulit didapat.. teuteubb ^^ akhirnya coba jadi reseller tas heejou deh..#iklann pisaan.....^^).

(sumber : http://pinterest.com/pin/155163149632085547/)

Mencari peluang usaha ini bukan suatu proses yang mudah pada awalnya. Mungkin akan memakan waktu yang lama dan pemikiran yang cukup menguras emosi. Tapi setelah beberapa lama, mencari peluang usaha akan jauh lebih mudah dilakukan. Bahkan tanpa kita inginkan pun, ide-ide usaha seringkali bermunculan dengan sendirinya. Dan gak salah kalau pada akhirnya orang-orang terdekat akan bilang "dasarr otak duit, tiap ada apa-apa pasti kepikiran peluang usaha melulu!" wkwk... pengalaman bangets.

Kedua. Kalau sudah nemu beberapa peluang usaha, bikin listnya yaa. Cermati mana yang paling mungkin untuk dijadikan usaha. Tanya sama Allah SWT, tanya sama keluarga, dll kalau masih ragu. Setelah merasa yakin, bismillah... coba jalanin yuuuk ^^... You'll never knew what would you get until you try!

Gak usah takutin gagal, gak usah takutin rugi. Cukup coba jalanin aja sebaik mungkin. Coba silaturahmi sama orang-orang yang sudah lebih senior menjalankan bisnis. Contohnya kayak teman-teman di komunitas TDA. Minta tips n triknya. Ada masalah ditengah jalan? Itu mah biasa ^^, stres boleh tapi jangan lama-lama hehe.. tenang aja ada...

Naahh segitu dulu tulisan tentang memulai usaha ini.. sok ah mangga buat yang mau mulai usaha. Jangan ragu untuk coba. It's Fun, its thrilled wkwk...

Sabtu, 26 Mei 2012

Membuat Bunga Kain Cantik


Dimana-mana sepertinya sekarang mulai banyak orang menggunakan bunga kain sebagai hiasan untuk kerudung, tas atau bunga.. nah di blog ini dishare tentang cara membuat bunga kain satin.. sepertinya mudah.. yuk coba buat heheh.....

sumber : http://easyascutandpaste.blogspot.com/2012/05/fancy-flowers-tutorial.html

Selasa, 15 November 2011

tas sampah dimobil


It's road trip season! And carpool season is coming up too:) Keep your car spic and span with a nifty car garbage bag. 
Made from a re-purposed reusable shopping bag you'll have this whipped up in no time!
1. Cut out your pieces (ignore the bib and focus on the black outlines). We're going to use the original bag handle, so cut out 2 rectangles for the front and back that are wide enough to include the handle. Make the back piece long enough to also be the bottom of the bag. I cut my sides out of the bottom of the bag so they'd be a different color. Unpick the handle from the front of the bag
2. Turn the top edge of the side pieces to the back and stitch down to create a finished look. Sew the side pieces to the back piece along the side and bottom edge. You'll wrap the back piece around to form the bottom of the bag. 
3. Sew the front piece on 
 Enjoy your clean car!
{a girl can dream right???}

sumber :http://naptimecrafters.blogspot.com/2011/08/car-garbage-bag.html

Membuat Dompet Pensil


Pencil Pouch Tutorial

I love back to school time. The aisles of notebooks, folders, pens, glue sticks, boxes of brand new pencils. When I was a teacher, I had so much trouble with kids showing up to class day after day without anything to write with. That's how I came up with my project for the August Point of View reveal...

A pencil pouch is a great way to keep pencils and pens in one place. How cute would this be tucked in a backpack? I'm so happy with how this turned out. I had it all planned out, but I was doubting how the zipper would work at the pencil point end. Luckily, all went well. Want to make a few of your own? Here's the how-to...

  • scraps of black, cream, yellow, gray, and pink fabric
  • lining fabric
  • fusible fleece
  • 9" zipper
  • thread
  • water soluble fabric marking pencil
  • ruler
  • rotary cutter or scissors
  • zipper foot


Step 1: Start by cutting all of your fabric. You'll need two pieces of each of the following...
            Black - 1.25" x 3.5"
            Cream - 1.75" x 3.5"
            Yellow - 6" x 3.5"
            Gray - 1.5" x 3.5"
            Pink - 2" x 3.5"
            Lining - 10.25" x 3.5"
            Fusible Fleece - 10.25" x 3.5"

Step 2: Next, assemble the exterior pouch pieces. Lay out your pieces in this order...

Sew these pieces together using a 1/4" seam allowance. Do this for both sets of "pencil" pieces. When done, press the seams open on the back.

Step 3: Apply your fusible fleece to the wrong side of each "pencil" piece from Step 2 following the manufacturer's directions.

Step 4: You'll need to mark where you want the point of your pencil. Measure down 1.75" from the top edge of your "pencil" and make a mark on the outside edge of the black fabric. Line up your ruler from this point to the point on the bottom of the "pencil" where the cream fabric meets the yellow fabric. Cut along this line.

Repeat on the opposite edge to create your point.

Step 5: Repeat Step 4 for your second "pencil" piece.

Step 6: Add some topstitching to the gray fabric to make it look more like the little metal band around your pencil. I added two equally spaced rows to each of the "pencil" pieces.

Step 7: Next, you need to cut the pencil point on your lining fabric. Make sure that you cut the lining pieces in opposite directions if you are using fabric with a pattern on it. I used my "pencil" pieces as a template for cutting the angles on my lining pieces.

Step 8: Time to start assembling your pouch. Take one lining piece and lay it down right side up. Now set your zipper on top, lining up the top edge of your zipper with the top edge of your lining fabric. Center the zipper horizontally along the top straight edge of your lining fabric (since the zipper won't be attached to the angled portion).

Take one of your "pencil" pieces, and lay it right side down (fleece up) on top of the lining/zipper. Make sure the edges of the "pencil" piece line up with the edges of the lining.

Pin all of the layers together, and sew along the top edge using a zipper foot.

Pull all of the layers to one side of the zipper and press, being careful not to set the iron on the zipper teeth.

Step 9: Take your other lining piece and lay it down right side up. Now set your zipper on top, lining up the top edge of your zipper with the top edge of your lining fabric. Make sure that the left and right edges of all the layers line up.

Take your other "pencil" piece and lay it on top of all your other pieces right side down (fleece up), lining up the top edge with the top edge of your zipper. Make sure that the left and right edges of all the layers line up.

Pin all of the layers together.

Sew along the top edge using a zipper foot.

Step 10: Pull the layers from Step 9 to one side and press. It should now look like this...

Unzip your zipper to about 2" from the end.

Take your lining pieces and bring them together, right sides facing. Take your "pencil" pieces and bring them together, right sides facing.

Pin together, making sure that the teeth of your zipper are pointed toward the lining.

Sew all the way around using a 1/4" seam allowance and leaving a 2" opening along the bottom of the lining. Go over the zipper a couple of times to reinforce it.

Step 11: Clip your corners, and cut off the excess zipper on either side (even with the edges of the fabric). Turn the pouch right side out through the opening in the lining. Press. Sew the opening in the lining closed, and tuck the lining into the pouch. Press again.

You now have a cute pencil pouch, perfect for back to school!

You can also personalize your pencil pouch by adding a name, initials, embellishments. Try hand stamping, embroidery, applique. Lots of options. And it doesn't hurt that this pouch goes together pretty quickly, too. Have fun with it!

Now it's your turn... Check out this month's Point of View collage and link up your past or present back to school projects at the Point of View Back to School Link Party!

Sumber :  http://www.gwennypenny.com/2011/08/pencil-pouch-tutorial.html

Membuat kancing Lucu


Covered Button Hair Clip Tutorial

My three year old will be heading back to preschool in about a month. She has unruly curly hair that is constantly falling in her face, but I hate to make her wear ponytails all the time, so her favorite hair accessory is a hair clip. I’ve made about twenty five different clips for her, and she loves to pick one that she thinks matches her outfit. She’s not always right, but hey, she’s three.
I’m not into the super girly, fluffy, giant bow, corkscrew, or silk flower clips. I like simple, but for Easter this year I decided I needed to jazz up the clips just a little bit. I made my daughters matching Easter dresses (more on that next time), and I wanted to make hair clips to go with the dresses. I decided to use some fabric from the dresses to cover buttons and add one covered button to the center of each clip.
They turned out really cute, and they are super simple to make.

Materials and tools you will need to make one hair clip:
  • 4¼" length of 3/8" wide ribbon
  • coordinating fabric
  • single prong 1¾" long alligator pinch hair clip  (I bought a pack of 50 on Etsy for less than $5)
  • size 30 (¾") cover button kit
  • glue gun
  • pliers
  • candle
  • optional: non-slip grip  (more on this below)

Part I: Making the Basic Ribbon Covered Hair Clip

Step 1:  Cut your ribbon to 4¼" long (My favorite ribbon is by American Crafts). Ribbon frays. If you are using grosgrain ribbon, you can prevent fraying by using an old trick... melt the ends in the flame of a candle! After you’ve cut the ribbon to length, quickly run both ends through the flame. It will seal the ends completely. PLEASE be careful when you do this! Only run the very ends through the flame, and do it quickly or the entire ribbon will melt.

Step 2:  Next, begin gluing the ribbon to your hair clip. Work quickly before the glue starts to firm up.

     A.  First, use your fingers to pinch the clip open. Run a bead of glue inside the clip on the underside of the top piece of the clip. Insert one end of your ribbon all the way into the clip with the wrong side of the ribbon facing the glue. Press the ribbon firmly into the glue. When cool, close the clip.

     B.  Second, run a bead of glue along the outside of the top piece of the clip. Tightly wrap the ribbon around the point of the clip from the inside (where you just glued it) onto the glue on top of the clip. Press the ribbon firmly into the glue.

     C.  Third, run about a ½" long bead of glue along the outside of the bottom piece of the clip at the end where you pinch the clip to open it. Tightly wrap the ribbon around into the glue and press firmly.
You have now completed the basic ribbon covered hair clip. The clip can be worn just like this, or you can continue with the embellishment.
Part II: Making and Adding the Fabric Covered Button

Step 3:  Read the directions on the back of your button kit. Most kits are very similar, and these directions will most likely apply to your kit. Your kit will tell you what size circle to cut from your fabric. For a size 30 (¾") button, I needed a 1½" diameter circle. Trace your circle onto your fabric, making sure to center any particular element or pattern that you want on your button, and cut it out.

Step 4:  Next, use a pair of pliers to remove the shank from the back of the button.
Step 5:  Now it’s time to cover your button. This is done by stacking layers and pressing them all together.

     A.  Center your circle of fabric wrong side up on top of the mold that came with your kit.

     B.  Set the button shell (the top of the button) wrong side up on top of the fabric.

     C.  Use the pusher that came with your kit to press the button shell down into the mold on top of the fabric.

     D.  Tuck all of the excess fabric down into the back of the button shell.

     E.  Place the back of the button (with the shank removed) over the tucked fabric.

     F.  Use the pusher that came with your kit to snap all layers together. Make sure you push hard enough to completely snap the back of the button into the shell.

     G.  Your fabric covered button is complete.

Step 6:  Completely fill the back of the button with hot glue, and place the button on the center of your ribbon covered clip.
Part III (Optional): Adding the Non-Slip Grip

The addition of the non-slip grip is key for little kids. My daughter has some clips that don’t have grip on them, and without fail she is handing me those clips within an hour of putting them on because they slide out. The non-slip grip remedies this problem. The grip is just non-slip shelf liner. You can buy your own roll and cut your own pieces, or you can buy some on Etsy that are pre-cut to size (I bought a pack of 50 for $3).

Step 7:  Cut a piece of non-slip grip about 3/8" by 1".

Step 8:  Pinch your clip open, and run a bead of glue inside the clip along the ribbon on the underside of the top piece of the clip. Press the non-slip grip into the glue. Do this carefully so you don't get burned.. the hot glue pushes through the holes in the grip.
Congratulations! You’re done!

This tutorial is extremely simple and pretty self-explanatory. Hair clips are everywhere. Please feel free to make these for personal and commercial use.

I'm linking up this tutorial over at Skip to my Lou’s “Made by You Monday”, Keeping it Simple's "Motivate Me Monday", and Today's Creative Blog's "Get Your Craft On"! Go on over and check out all of the great projects featured there.

Sumber : http://www.gwennypenny.com/2010/08/covered-button-hair-clip-tutorial.html